Lucky (Luckie)
Luckie is a white and grey colored female teddy bear hamster that was brought home August 21, 2004.  
January 2005 we got a surprise to find that Luckie is really Lucky, a male hamster.  
He seems to have been born with the ability to have a hidden agenda.  
As he has gotten older his hair has grown wildly outward and turned brown.  
He was friends with Snuggle but it was with Sonic that he became a proud father of 11 babies, 4 boys 7 girls.  
He got to be with them for awhile until he passed away the evening of Sunday May 21, 2006.
"Who is that other hamster next door?"
"Is it time to take a roll in my ball yet?   OK, how about now?   Now?"
"GOT FLUFF ?   I'm showing my stuff."
"This box contains all natural ingredients."
"Here's looking at you, Mom."
"Umphhh! First the box then the ball."
"Hey I have 5 toes on my feet just like you."
Hey Snuggle stopped by to visit my home."
"I think she likes me."
"Let's play!"
"Oh boy am I tired."